Section 4 Accessories
M A1047LFM Laser Filter
This laser filter is meant for use with a corresponding specific wavelength laser and A-Series Microscope
System equipped with a M A1047LFM laser filter module.
M A1019 Binocular Rotation Ring
Allows for better operator positioning. Rotates the bin/- 25 degrees.
M A512 Dual Iris Diaphragm
Allows for greater depth of field which is particularly valuable for photography.
M A1061-D50 & M A1061-DVA50 Dual Port Beamsplitter
The dual port beamsplitter models have two (2) mounting ports for camera adapters. This allows the
simultaneous use of a still camera and video camera if so desired, but other configurations are certainly
feasible. The dual port beamsplitters can be configured with either one 50/50 prism and one 95/5 prism,
M A1061-DVA50 or with two 50/50 prisms, M A1061-D50. The beamsplitter can mount to the microscope with
either prism on the right or left, depending on personal preference. The choice of which prisms to use should
be based on the type of cameras intended to be mounted to the microscope.
M 1047LFYG3
M 1047LFEC2
M A1047LFM