700-100 G400
everything if you are logged in as the “admin” user).
Change the Default Language
By default, the G-400 series products ship with English as the default language. If you or other users
prefer a different language, you can change the language.
Login to the system using your web browser.
If not already there, access the configuration settings by clicking on the gray “gear” icon in the
upper right hand corner of the Link Builder tool.
If you want to change the language for just the user you are logged in as, hover over the
“Preferences” header and select “Control Preferences” from the list. Then, change the
“Language” by selecting a new one from the list and clicking “Save Changes”. The user
interface will immediately be in your selected language.
If you want to change the default language for the entire system, hover over the “Configure”
header and select “General Settings” from the list on the right. Then, change the “Default
Language” by selecting a new one from the list and clicking “Save Changes”. The login page
and all users without a specific language selected will see this language.
Adding Additional Users
By default, upon shipment the G-400 series products only have a single user – the “admin” user. The
admin user may not be removed, and his permissions cannot be reduced. This prevents you from
accidentally locking yourself out of the system. However, it is often desirable to give other people
access to the system to do specific things but not be able to do other things in the system (such as
modifying network configuration or resetting all settings).
The G-400 series products allow you to do this. Additional users may be added, and different “user
roles” can be created to restrict access to only specific features. The system comes with 4 default
user roles that cover the majority of typical users. See the in-system help for more information about
user roles.
Adding new users to the system is straight forward:
Login to the system using your web browser.
If not already there, access the configuration settings by clicking on the gray “gear” icon in the
upper right hand corner of the Link Builder tool.
Hover over the “Configure” header and select “User Management” from the list on the right.
Click the “Create New” button.
Enter the user login and password, and select an appropriate “User Role” for that user based
on the permissions you want him to have.
Click the “Create” button.
That user will now be able to access the system, but only with the permissions specified in that
user role.