G-Series User Manual v1.0
G12: High Frequency Drive Unit
Remove the six countersunk bolts with an Allen key, and using a flat blade screwdriver carefully ease the grille out of
location. Take care not to damage the LF driver.
Using a 4mm Allen key, remove the four M5 socket-head bolts holding the HF waveguide in place. Lift the HF assembly
out of the enclosure and carefully disconnect the cables, observing correct polarity for future reference. The drive unit
can be removed using an 8mm spanner to release the locking nuts holding the driver to the waveguide.
To reinstate the drive unit, reconnect the cables (white cable to positive terminal, yellow cable to negative), sit the
waveguide back in place before reinstating the four socket-head bolts. Avoid over-tightening these bolts as this may
crack the waveguide.
Note also the dispersion orientation of the waveguide
– the larger dimension of the
waveguide indicates the 90-degree dispersion plane.
Reinstate the grille into place and reinsert the six countersunk bolts.
G12: Low Frequency Drive Unit
Follow the above procedure to remove the grille.
Using a 4mm Allen key, remove the eight M5 socket head bolts holding the driver in place. Lift the driver out of the
enclosure and carefully disconnect the cables.
To reinstate the driver, attach the cables (red to positive terminal, black to negative) and reposition the driver.
Reinstate the eight bolts and retighten.
Replace the grille be easing into place and reinstating the six countersunk bolts.
G15: High Frequency Drive Unit
Remove the eight countersunk bolts with an Allen key, and using a flat blade screwdriver carefully ease the grille out of
location. Take care not to damage the LF driver.
Using a 4mm Allen key, remove the eight M5 socket-head bolts holding the HF waveguide in place. Lift the HF assembly
out of the enclosure and carefully disconnect the cables, observing correct polarity for future reference. The drive unit
can be removed using an 8mm spanner to release the locking nuts holding the driver to the waveguide.
To reinstate the drive unit, reconnect the cables (white cable to positive terminal, yellow cable to negative), sit the
waveguide back in place before reinstating the eight socket-head bolts. Avoid over-tightening these bolts as this may
crack the waveguide.
Reinstate the grille into place and reinsert the eight countersunk bolts.
G15: Low Frequency Drive Unit
Follow the above procedure to remove the grille.
Using a 4mm Allen key, remove the eight M5 socket head bolts holding the LF driver in place. Lift the driver out of the
enclosure and carefully disconnect the cables.
To reinstate the driver, attach the cables (red to positive terminal, black to negative) and reposition the driver.
Reinstate the eight bolts and retighten.
Replace the grille be easing into place and reinstating the eight countersunk bolts.