te user instr
user instructions
WHAt iF i Don’t neeD HeAtinG in
tHe suMMer
The Elec traMate appliance will
determine whether heating has been
used and automatically adjust to meet
the demand placed on it for hot water
only. This will also ensure the most
economical method of operation at this
time of the year.
HoW Do i reset tHe HeAtinG
ProGrAMMe cLocK
Hot water is not time controlled and is
available at all times, but you control the
time your central heating switches on
and off with the programmable room
thermostat provided with your Gledhill
Thermal Store. Separate instructions for
this will have been left for you by the
Although the ElectraMate A-Class
appliance itself is open vented the
heating system is sealed. A pressure
gauge is included on the front of the
appliance to show the pressure in
the heating system. This should be
checked periodically and action taken
in accordance with the label provided.
The normal pressure should read
between 1 - 2 bar. If the black pointer is
lower than the red indicator, the heating
system will need re-pressurising by your
Installer. It is common for new systems
to require this action within the first
week of running, the Installer should
have tested the system and recorded
the condition within the Bench Mark
Book left inside the appliance.
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