7, Keeping the spring preload on
even if you change the options
GT-OP- 004 Adjust Screw Shock
. The spring
should be keep in touch of both end during extend and depress in valid of travelling. This issue may help the chassis running
stable. Another change the tension of the side damper, go back to check the point 6 to ensure the chassis balance.
8, Check the chassis Front and Rear are staying straight. Detach the C3 first (page 19). See pic below 8.1.
9, Adjust with NO GAP (no down stop) on Central Shock. See pic 9.1.
setup/assembly tips before 1
run on
RCP Track
Page 22
Waist Down
If the situation is on the left, add the SM7 (see page 19)
until the chassis Front and Rear going straight.
Waist up
If the situation is on the left, remove the SM7 (see page 19)
until the chassis Front and Rear down to straight.
If the situation is on the left, congratulations!!! Go ahead
for the race.
Pic 8.1
Tips: If the car is new or just re-builded, suggest to do point 6 first then to plug sensor and soldering motor wire. It will effect the
result if the length of all wires are not suitable. It means that if you did nothing wrong, you will have the same result after all
wire installed.
Pic 9.1
Adjust the C3 (page 19) with NO gap but need to keep
the point 8 Front and Rear chassis in straight. This Gap
= Down Stop for having unstable in all the time running
on the high traction RCP track.
No Gap recommended