Previous
Tab
key
Yellow
To
advance
the
cursor
to
the
previous
tab
stop.
Home
Yellow
Switches
to
the
Windows
Start
Menu.
Camera
Yellow
Access
the
camera.
Alt
Yellow
To
change
(alternate)
the
function
of
other
pressed
keys.
Shift
Yellow
Combinate
with
an
alpha
keys
to
switche
between
upper
case
and
lower
case
letters.
Fn
White
First
press:
switches
the
functions
to
the
white
characters
indicated
Press
again:
switches
the
functions
aback
to
the
yellow
characters
indicated
Space
Yellow
Enters
a
blank.
Ctrl
Yellow
Combinate
with
another
key
to
performs
a
special
operation
Enter
Yellow
Selects
the
highlighted
line
and
leads
to
the
next
logical
menu/
dialog.
Power
key
Yellow
If
the
T21X
controller
is
already
off:
Turns
the
field
controller
on
when
held
for
3~5s.
If
the
T21X
controller
is
already
on:
Turns
to
power
off
menu
when
held
for
3~5s.
1.3.
Functions
Table
‐
2,
Charging
Functions
Table
‐
3,
Key
function
indicator
Operation
Power
off
Charging
Fully
of
charged
Status
Off
Red
light
on
Off
Status
Off
On
Function
of
the
key
Yellow
silk
screen
indicated
White
silk
screen
indicated