About phone
You can check the information on status bar and remaining power.
Notices for the use of phone
Your phone is a product of superior design and craftsmanship and should be treated with care. The following
suggestions can help you comply with the terms of repair kits, to extend the life of mobile phone.
Place the mobile phone and their parts and components out of reach of small children.
Keep the phone dry, rain, humidity and all types of liquids which contain minerals will corrode electronic circuits.
Don’t touch the phone with wet hands when charging, it will cause electric shock or damage the phone.
Avoid place the device in high temperature environment. Temperatures will shorten the life of electronic devices,
damage batteries, and warp or melt certain plastics.
Avoid place the device in too low temperature environment. When the temperature rises, the phone will produce
water vapor that may damage electronic circuit.
Avoid place the phone in dusty, dirty places, otherwise parts may be damaged.
To avoid the phone in a lit cigarette, near open flame or any heat source.
Do not open the device, non-professional approach will do damage to the phone.
Do not throwit from height, knock or shake the phone, rough handling can damage internal circuit boards.
Do not paint the phone, because the paint will block headphones, microphones or other removable parts, and lead it
not work.