Scooter Component Information
Your scooter features a high torque, high efficiency, permanent magnet (brushless)
motor. The motor is maintenance-free, but it is generally advisable to check all other
components for loose or corroded connections on a regular basis, and it is normal for
the motor to make some noise when activated. Scooters are not designed to be driven
in heavy rain or in water deeper than the height of the motor. This is likely to cause
severe damage to components resulting in costly repairs or total replacement.
The controller is the “brain” of your e-Scooter. The controller system consists of the
controller module itself, the throttle, and front and rear brake levers. Their functions are
to control the speed of the bicycle by regulating the power going to the motor, and to
protect it against either too much or too little voltage. This is also augmented by the
EABS (Electrically Assisted Braking System) which actually recharges the batteries
under braking.
Maintenance and Care
Pre-ride Checklist
Ensure horn, turn signals and headlight are in working condition
Ensure brakes are in proper working order and can be easily and comfortably
engaged when the levers are squeezed
Ensure all screws, nuts, bolts and parts are securely fastened and adjusted.
Make sure the tires are not excessively worn, do not have tears or cuts, are
properly seated on the rim and correctly inflated
Make sure the wheels spin straight and that the rims are not bent or damaged
Ensure you are wearing a well fitted helmet of the correct rating.
Ensure battery is fully charged
Ensure pedals are installed
The frequency of maintenance and cleaning depends on how much you ride and under
which conditions. Recreational riders should need far less maintenance than daily
commuters. The harder you ride or harsher your riding conditions, the more you have to
take care of your scooter if you want it to last.There are various time intervals for proper
maintenance. Quick checks and maintenance should be done before & after every ride.
More in depth maintenance steps should be taken every couple of months or as issues
are identified.