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brined 11-13 lb turkey
2 cups water (more if needed)
1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
9. Place your turkey on a rack in a shallow roasting pan. Pour 2 cups
water in the bottom of the pan.
10. Put the turkey in the oven on a lower rack, so the turkey is centered
in the oven.
11. Reduce the heat to 350
0F and set a timer for 1 hour.
For planning purposes, when cooking a turkey at 350
F, allow
about 13 minutes per lb. (so an 11 lb. turkey will take
approximately 2.5 hours).
12. After 1 hour, remove the turkey from the oven (close the oven door
to maintain the heat) and baste well with
butter. Add more
water to the pan, if needed. Return the turkey to the oven.
13. Remove the turkey and baste with butter every 30 minutes until the
turkey is nicely browned and internal temperature is 165
F (check
the breast and the thigh areas.) Cover the breast with aluminum foil,
if needed, to avoid overcooking.
14. When your turkey is done, remove from the oven and let rest for
about 30 minutes.
15. Pan drippings can be used for gravy or saved for later to add to stock.
(Store in the refrigerator and skim the fat off the top before adding to