L 3
c c a a : 17
Going down on your rescue while hooked in only on one side will be very
unpleasant and might result in injury.
A emble he b ckle i h he a
A ach he hook knife handle on he Genie
Li e 3 e c e deck
Preflight check
The deployment handle and its strap must be connected to the deployment bag of the
parachute In particular check the length of the strap connecting the rescue deployment
handle to the rescue inner container It should be long enough that the reserve can be
extracted without the danger of the pins not being pulled before the strap tightens on the
reserve but not so long that there is excessive slack that extends the movement required
for deployment
After you have finished packing the Genie Lite 3 rescue deck, you must
do a test deployment to ensure that it can be deployed correctly.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that both rescue bridles are connected with a main carabiner
on each side.