Depilator 400
Manuale d’Istruzione/Instruction’s Manual
Usually the discharge duration is regulated between 8/100 sec, in the depilation of the
upper lip, a maximum time of 30/100 sec. is reached; in particular part of the body not
very sensible, the medium time is 15/100sec.
Put the power level on 10 to treat very thin or thin hair, on 15 for normal hair and on 20
for particularly strong hair.
The permanent depilation is obtained when the germinative cells are destroied. These
cells are in the hair bulb. Researches, on the contrary, have dimonstrated that, even
though the bulb is eliminated, some cells that are in the hair follicle below the outlets of
the sebaceous glands can regenerate themselves and create a new hair with its papilla.
The depilation is definitely permanent when these cells are also destroied.
The technique consists in the introduction of the needle-electrode tip in the follicle, until
a light resistance is encountered. It is not due to the reaching of the bulb, as it is easy to
think, but to the reaching of that part of the follicle below the sebaceous gland outlet that,
adhering with the entire hair length, both in correspondence of the epithelial sheath and in
the papilla, does not allow the advancing of the needle. The introduction of the needle
electrode tip in the most superficial part of the follicle, that is made easy by the cutaneous
relaxation or by its plica, must be without traumas (without pain or bleeding!).
The needle direction shall be the same to that of the first trait of the hair that comes out
from the follicolar orifice. The operator, after reaching the zone of light resistance, press
the pedal and simultaneously plunge the needle 1, 2 or 3 mm, until the bulb is reached;
doing so all the hair determinative cells are destroyed. The needle plunge depth is
measured after checking the extraction of the first hair. With the movement, from the
surface into the depth, the epidermic damages, due to superficial discharge, are avoided.
Just one discharge, while the needle electrode is working, is necessary to remove thin and
very thin hair; for stronger hair a second discharge is necessary; it is generated after the
needle has been retired a little and it is directly behind the bulb (between the bulb and the
sebaceous gland outlet). During this second discharge, that completes the destruction of
all the germinative cells, the operator must keep the needle electrode immobile. The
treated hair is removed with little forceps and should not opposite any relevant resistance
to the extraction. If a resistance is opposed, the operation must be repeated more
precisely. The beginners of this technique can operate with a time higher of some
hundreds of second respect to that indicated, proportionally reducing the power, until
they will achieve the necessary precision, that allows the reduction of the discharge
duration until the advised values.
The possibility to preset one hundred of second, at a constant power, allows to limit the
thermic damage in a well defined space, sufficient for the destruction of the hair
germinative cells, but insufficient to be left visible cicatricial results, even using powers
superior to those used in different methods and even if the discharge is repeated one more
time on the same point.