Gilson Company, Inc.
GilSonic AutoSiever: GA-6
Page 9
6.1 Setting Maximum Amplitude
A. Using the REC/
and SAVE/
arrow keys, adjust
the amplitude level to an initial low number, such as 5, and
press the Run/Stop button to start.
CAUTION: The Electroformed cloth in Precision Sieves is
especially delicate and may be destroyed if the amplitude
setting is too high. While it is impossible to state an exact
maximum value, an amplitude setting of 25 or more for
sieves of 20µm or less should be approached incrementally.
Coarser Electroformed sieves will be more robust, as will
most wire-woven sieves, but it is still possible to damage
them with excessively high settings or prolonged run-times.
If you are unable to achieve satisfactory separations in 15
minutes or less at amplitude settings under 50, please
consult a Technical Support representative at Gilson.
Attempting higher settings may void the warranty.
B. Gradually increase the amplitude until sample material on
the top sieve flows smoothly in a gentle fluid action. Note
the final number on the display for later programming as the
maximum amplitude value.
6.2 Establishing Phase Times
Phase times require experimentation to find the best values,
but the settings below are generally a good starting point:
Time “A” (Ramp-up) 0.5 minutes
Time “B” (Time at Max. Amplitude) 5.0 minutes
Time “C” (Cleanup) 0.3 minutes
C. Press MAN/AUTO to return the unit to automatic operation.
D. Press PGM until the Time A indicator LED is blinking.
E. Use the keypad to enter the time for the amplitude to ramp
up from 0 to the established maximum setting. A default
value of 0.1 is already programmed.
NOTE: Time is displayed in 0.1 minute (6 second)
increments. 1 minute, 18 seconds would be displayed as
1.3. Digits entered appear in the right-hand space of the
display and “push” other digits to the left. When entering
new values, it may be necessary to enter 0’s until the display
is cleared.
F. Press PGM to accept the displayed value. The setting will be
stored and the Max. Amplitude LED will begin to blink.
G. Enter the maximum amplitude setting as determined in
manual mode above and press PGM. The value will be stored
and the Time B LED will start blinking.
H. Continue entering and storing values for Time B and Time
C phases. After a value for Time C is entered and stored, the
total time for the test (A+B+C) will be displayed.
I. Select one of the three Tapping Action buttons to program
tapping during operation.
NOTE: For most materials, operation with both horizontal
and vertical tapping (
) insures the best separation.
Some problem materials may respond best using only
vertical tapping or none at all.
J. To execute the entered program one time, simply press the
Run/STOP button. The AutoSiever will run the sequence and
stop automatically at completion.
NOTE: After running through a test cycle at these initial
settings, the individual fractions can be weighed, then
tested again for an additional minute at the previously
determined amplitude setting. If the amount passing a
given sieve increases less than about 1%, then the original
settings are adequate. If there is more than an additional
1% passing, the process of increasing test times in one-
minute increments should be continued. If the material
being tested is exceptionally dense or lightweight,
prone to agglomerate or gather static charges, time
and amplitude settings may have to be increased. (See
Caution note in Section 6.1 A.)
K. To store the entered program into memory, press SAVE and
enter a number from 0 to 9 for the memory location.