Gilson Company, Inc.
GilSonic AutoSiever: GA-6
Page 8
Figure 5.2
Sieve Stack Releasing with Thumb & Finger
NOTE: There are two issues to consider involving quantity
of sample to be tested. The first is physical load on the
sieve cloth. The Fine sieves in both woven-wire and
electroform versions are quite delicate. Excessive mass
on the cloth dramatically shortens the useful life of the
sieve. Additionally, excessive volume can restrict free
movement of the air column created by sonic energy
in the AutoSiever. This also creates excessive loads on
the sieve cloth and may result in damage to the sieves.
Generally, following the guidelines below for effective
separation will prevent most problems from overloading.
If your material has especially high or low bulk density, you
should discuss your application with a Gilson Technical
Support representative.
The second issue is optimum sample quantity for effective
separation. This is dependent upon powder density,
sieve sizes to be used and sample load on each sieve at
completion of sieving. For proper separation, there should
be no more than a thin layer of sample on any one sieve
when the test is complete.
Maximum sample quantity for woven-wire sieves 38mm
(No. 400) or larger is 20g or 7cc. For finer woven-wire
sieves, 10g or 4cc is the maximum. For precision sieving
with electroformed sieves, a one gram sample is typical
and 5 grams or 5cc is maximum.
F. Place the Column Lock over the Diaphragm and press down
until the Stack Locking Bars snap onto the top ring of the
Fines Collector Holder.
G. Insert the Sieve Stack Assembly into the sieving chamber of
the AutoSiever until it rests against the stops on the platform.
Release the Sieve Stack Locking Bars by inserting a thumb
and forefinger inside the bars at the bottom of the stack and
forcing them outward (see Figure 5.2). When released, the
assembly will rise upward and the Column Lock should fit
into the Stack Locking Ring in the top of the sieving chamber,
securing the stack in place. Check that the Stack Assembly
is secured by gently pulling outward.
NOTE: When properly secured, the Stack Switch is
depressed and will enable normal operation. If not
secured, the AutoSiever will go into Pause mode and
the unit will not operate.
For each type of material tested, a sequence should be
established that most effectively processes the particular
material type. This assures the highest degree of accuracy and
repeatability from the AutoSiever and enables subsequent
samples of similar materials to be processed efficiently using
custom-programmed sequences.
Prepare a sample of material to be tested, place it in the
sieve stack and put together the Sieve Stack Assembly as
discussed in Section 5.0.
Insert the assembly into the Sieving Chamber and release
the Sieve Stack Locking Bars as noted in Section 5.0 G.
Turn the AutoSiever power switch on and check that the
Manual mode LED is lit. If not, set it for Manual operation
by pressing the MAN/AUTO button.