Dry Wall Partition Installation
For dry wall partitions an alternative fixing method is
illustrated. This method comprises of a fixed angle
arrangement. The plate is secured to the structure by fixing
bolts. Note:- This method of installation must be approved to
the satisfaction of the appropriate authority. Approved
alternative methods of installation are available upon request.
16swg Fixing
HEVAC Installation Frame HVC 6/5/85
The installation frame is designed to be factory assembled
on to a fire damper. This frame will under fire conditions
allow the damper to expand without distortion. Upstand
flange webs with fixing tabs built into the surrounding
structure ensure that the complete assembly will be retained
within the structural opening.
A factory assembled installation frame may be provided and
fitted to a double module assembly not exceeding an overall
size of 1524 x 1016mm (split on the larger dimension).
Adjacent frame assemblies must be separated by builders
work of a minimum distance of 225mm (between installation
frame upstand flanges unless approval has been previously
obtained from the appropriate authority).
Where two fire dampers, or two double module assemblies
are mounted in series to form a factory assembled four hour
unit, each damper or double module assembly comprising
the unit shall be provided with its own installation frame so
as to allow each individual damper or double module
assembly to expand under fire conditions.
The work shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the
appropriate authority which in inner London, will be the
District Surveyor. Any deviation must have similar approval.
Building Ties for Securing
Unit to Structure
Corner Joints permit
internal expansion of
Installation Frame
Expansion Cleats between
Frame and Damper