Suricate – Iridium Optical Link Page | 24
Cleaning fiber optic Connections
The unit has an FC/APC angle polished optical connector for very high optical return loss
performance. The units are specified into single mode fiber i.e. 9/125 micron core diameter. Full
performance is specified only for low return loss optical plant - meaning that the fiber must be
fusion spliced and all connections or splices must have a return loss greater than -60 dB. With these
guidelines in mind, link lengths beyond 20 kilometers (DFB based products) can be achieved with
high performance. Specific performance and/or design assistance is available by request from
If there is low/no signal or noisy signal at the module, the connector should be cleaned. Dirt on the
inside connector tip can impair the flow of light causing problems in signal transmission. The
modules are sealed but dirt can occasionally enter during installation and alignment.
The input and output optical ports of all Gilat Satcom equipment are known in the fiber optic world
as bulkhead ports. Gilat Satcom uses FC/APC connectors.
The following materials are representative of the types of cleaning materials that should be used for
cleaning the fiber optic ports and connectors. They are available from several suppliers.
Cleaning material
Kim Wipes
Kimberly Clark
Cletop Automatic
Connector cleaner
Fiber optic Swab
Cletop or FIS
Wiping clothes should be made of lint free alcohol free nonabrasive materials. Swabs should have a
tightly wrapped tip and be talcum-free. For removing dust from receptacles, a canned compressed
gas is recommended. Do not use commercial compressed air because of risk of contamination.