Customer Service & Assistance
Gigaset DX600A isdn / IM-OST EN / A31008-N3101-R601-1-7619 / appendix.fm / 05.03.2010
rsion 4, 16.0
Checking service information
If you contact Customer Services, you may
need the desktop phone's service informa-
You have dialled or you are
already making an external call. The connec-
tion has been established for at least 8 sec-
Service Info
Confirm selection with
The following information/functions can be
selected with
Desktop phone serial number
Not in use: - - -
Informs the service employees
of the desktop phone settings
(in hex diagram) e.g., the
number of registered handsets,
repeater mode. The last 4 digits
indicate the number of operat-
ing hours (hexadecimal).
Variant (digits 1 to 4),
Telephone firmware version
(digits 5 to 6).
Device number of the desktop
phone. This contains additional
information for the service
Unlock System
Confirm selection with
If necessary you can unlock a
provider-specific device lock
with a corresponding code.
Send configuration
Select this option only if you are
requested to do so by the Serv-
ice employee.
This device is intended for the ISDN tele-
phone connection in your network.
Country-specific requirements have been
taken into consideration.
We, Gigaset Communications GmbH,
declare that this device meets the essential
requirements and other relevant regulations
laid down in Directive 1999/5/EC.
A copy of the 1999/5/EC Declaration of Con-
formity is available at this Internet address:
You cannot establish a connection to the desk-
top phone with your PC's Web browser.
When establishing a connection, check the
desktop phone's local IP address that has
been entered. You can check the IP address
on your desktop phone
Check the connections between the PC and
the desktop phone. Transmit a ping com-
mand to your desktop phone e.g., from your
PC (ping <desktop phone's local IP address>).
You have tried to reach the desktop phone via
a secure http (https://...). Try again with
Exclusion of liability
Some displays may contain pixels (pic-
ture elements), which remain activated
or deactivated. As a pixel is made up of
three sub-pixels (red, green, blue), it is
possible that pixel colours may vary.
This is completely normal and does not
indicate an error.