GL-VP-620x User Manual
Copyright © 2009-2011 GigaLink
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via keypad is disabled.
Setting Options
Disable Voice
Default is No
Syslog Server
The IP address or URL of System log server. This
feature is especially useful for the ITSP (Internet
Telephone Service Provider)
Syslog Level
Select the GL-VP-620x to report the log level. Default is
NONE. The level is one of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING or
ERROR. Syslog messages are sent based on the
following events:
1. product model/version on boot up (INFO level)
2. NAT related info (INFO level)
3. sent or received SIP message (DEBUG level)
4. SIP message summary (INFO level)
5. inbound and outbound calls (INFO level)
6. registration status change (INFO level)
7. negotiated codec (INFO level)
8. Ethernet link up (INFO level)
9. SLIC chip exception (WARNING and ERROR levels)
10. memory exception (ERROR level)