GIGAIPC reserves the right to modify or revise the content at anytime without prior notice.
Factory Key Provision
Install factory default Secure Boot keys after the platform reset and while the system is in Setup mode
Enabled : Enables Factory Key Provision (Default setting)
Disabled : Disables Factory Key Provision
Restore Factory Keys
To restore factory settings
Yes : Agree to restore factory settings
No : Cancel to restore factory settings
Reset To Setup Mode
Yes : Agree to setup mode
No : Cancel to setup mode
Export Secure Boot variables
Copy NVRAM content of Secure Boot variables to files in a root folder on a file system device
Enroll Efi Image
Allow the image to run in Secure Boot mode
Remove 'UEFI CA' from DB
To remove 'UEFI CA' from database
Yes : Agree to remove 'UEFI CA' from database
No : Cancel to remove 'UEFI CA' from database
Restore DB defaults
Restore DB variables to factory defaults
Yes : Agree to restore DB defaults
No : Cancel to restore DB defaults
Platform Key (PK)
These items allows you to enroll factory defaults or load Certificates from a file.
Key Exchange Keys
Authorized Signatures
Forbidden Signatures
Authorized TimeStamps
OsRecovery Signatures