GigaFast Ethernet
Congratulations on your purchase of this outstanding 11Mbps
Wireless Access Router. This product is the perfect option to
connect a group of wired or wireless PCs to a high-speed
Broadband Internet connection or to an Ethernet based
Backbone (ETTH/ETTB: Ethernet to the Home/Building).
Configurable as a DHCP server, this product is the only
externally recognized server device on your local area network
(LAN). Thus even a non-technical person will easily configure it
to meet the different applications.
This product does not only provide a complete solution to share
the Internet bandwidth, it also serves as an Internet Firewall to
protect your LAN data from being accessed by outside
intruders/hackers (Figure 1.1). Since all incoming data packets
have been analyzed and monitored, all unwanted packets may
be filtered-out and be recorded as an intrusion event. The
11Mbps Wireless Access Router can also be configured to
block some internal LAN users’ access to the Internet for
management purposes.
Section 1