User Manual
According to the VBUSIG bit in USBFS_GCCFG register, user can decide whether or
not to jump JP5 to USB_FS if user use USBFS core. Then connect the EVAL board to
the PC through USB cable to the USB_FS connector if user use USBFS core or the
USB_HS_ULPI connector if use USBHS core. After doing this, download the program
<28_USB_Device\MSC_Udisk> to the EVAL board and run. When the EVAL board
connect to the PC, you will find a USB large capacity storage device is in the universal
serial bus controller, and there is 1 more disk drives in the equipment manager of PC, as
shown below:
Then, after opening the resource manager, you will see more of the 1 disk, as shown in
the following diagram: