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Software Installation
Mipmap Detail Level
Mipmapping is a texturing technique that pre-
serves the detail on a 3D object's surface as it
moves into the background. A series of low-
and high-resolution texture maps are stored in
memory and selectively used to create the
object's surface, depending on what level of
detail is needed.
Mipmap detail level can be set to favor either an
increase in system processing performance or
improved image quality:
Setting for performance is best used when the
3D image is animated and smoothness of mo-
tion is the most important consideration.
Setting for quality is best used when high sur-
face detail is required, especially if the animated
object rotates or moves into the background.
All Settings
The All Settings page combines all of the princi-
pal 3D features onto a single page, without any
preview window, allowing for quick access and
adjustment. This page is useful when it is not
necessary to preview the adjusted settings be-
cause the effect is already known or understood.