10.10 Calculator
Your Calculator allows you to run simple
operations in this device.
Select Start > Programs > Tools > Calculator
to use your calculator.
10.11 Games
You may access “Games” to select games you
like in this device for entertainment.
1. Select Start > Programs > Games
2. Select a game to launch it.
10.12 STK (SIM Tool Kit)
The services available depend on your
operator Tap Start > Programs > Phone
Manager, and then select the STK service
provided by your operator.
10.13 ZIP
You can save storage space and increase
efficiency of the device by compressing some
of your files with this ZIP tool.
Zipping Files:
1. To zip a file, select Start > File Manager.
2. Tap and hold on a file you would like to zip.
A pop-up menu will appear.
3. Selec
t “Add to Zip File” in the pop-up menu.
In the newly appeared window, you may:
˙ Select a file name for the zip file.
˙ Select a compression method according to
your need.
˙ Set a password, which will be asked for
when you unzip the file.
4. Select compression to s
tart compressing the
When you check or uncheck “Menu
Magnifier” the new settings will take effect
after a system reboot.
Unzipping Files:
1. To unzip a file, select Start > Programs >
2. Select Zip, and then tap the Unzip button on
the pop-up window. A list of zipped files will
3. You may select a different folder for more
zip files. In the file list, tap on the file you
would like to unzip.
4. Select a location where you would like to
extract the file to.
5. Tap OK and enter the password (if required)
to decompress the zip file.
10.14 SD Add-Ons
There may be some add-on applications in the
included Micro SD card. The install process will
be launched automatically when you insert the
card into the device. Select the application you
want and follow the instructions to
install.(Available in selected regions)
10.15 GSmart BT Application
This feature allows you to easily transmit
several files to the other Bluetooth device
equipping with BT File Exchange program.
1. Tap Start > Programs > Tools > GSmart BT
2. Select the Channel you want to use.
3. On the other Bluetooth device, also follow
Step 1 and Step 2 (the channel selected on
both devices should be the same).
4. On your device, tap “Vcard” or “File”.
5. Select the file you want to transmit.
6. Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 to add more files
if you want.
7. If you want to remove certain file, please
highlight the file and then tap “Remove”.
8. After file selection is complete, tap “Search
9. Tap “Transmit” to deliver those files to the