Hardware Installation
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Due to CPU limitation, read the following guidelines before installing the memory in Dual or 3 Channel mode.
Dual Channel--
1. Dual Channel mode cannot be enabled if only one DDR3 memory module is installed.
2. When enabling Dual Channel mode with two or four modules, it is recommended that memory of th
same capacity, brand, speed, and chips be used. When enabling Dual Channel mode with two
memory modules, be sure to install them in the DDR3_P0_C0 and DDR3_P0_C1 sockets for primary
CPU; install DDR3_P1_F0 and DDR3_P1_F1 for secondary CPU.
3 Channel--
1. 3 Channel mode cannot be enabled if only one or two DDR3 memory modules are installed.
2. When enabling 3 Channel mode with three, four or six modules, it is recommended that memory of
the same capacity, brand, speed, and chips be used. When enabling 3 Channel mode with three
memory modules, be sure to install them in the DDR3_P0_A0, DDR3_P0_B0 and DDR3_P0_C0
sockets for primary CPU; install DDR3_P1_D0, DDR3_P1_E0 DDR3_P1_F0 for secondary CPU.