Giga-tronics 2500B Series Microwave Signal Generators
Ramp Operation
Operation Manual, Part Number 34737, Rev C, June 30, 2011
Page 33
Ramp Menus
Figure 15: Amplitude Marker Menu
Amplitude Markers
The Amplitude Marker Menu allows you to view and modify settings related to the
instrument’s Amplitude Markers used in conjunction with the frequency sweep. Five
amplitude markers can be set.
AmplMrkr1 through AmplMrkr2
These 5 items allow you to set the frequency of the
amplitude markers using the numeric key pad. The marker is activated and deactivated
by pressing the adjacent amplitude marker soft key.
Markers All On/Off
This menu item allows you to toggle the states of all markers in the
Amplitude Marker menu. Pressing the adjacent soft key toggles all marker states to be
all on or all off.