BIOS Setup
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5-4-4 IPv6 BMC Network Configuration
IPv6 BMC Lan Channel 1
IPv6 BMC Lan Option
Enable/Disable IPv6 BMC LAN channel function. When this item is disabled, the system will not modify
any BMC network during BIOS phase.
Options available: Enable/Disable. Default setting is
IPv6 BMC Lan IP Address Source
Select to configure LAN channel parameters statically or dynamically (by BIOS or BMC).
Options available: Unspecified/Static/Dynamic-Obtained by BMC running DHCP.
Default setting is
Dynamic-Obtained by BMC running DHCP
IPv6 BMC Lan IP Address/Prefix Length -> [1999::11/64]
Check if the IPv6 BMC LAN IP address matches those displayed on the screen.