User manual
Felling Grapple GMT 035
Maintenance of the saw flange
The maintenance and modifications have a major impact on the lifetime of the saw.
Therefore, follow the instructions carefully.
Blue color on the chain
The normal Saw speed is about 1-3 seconds depending on the diameter of the tree. The
lubrication pump will at each start of a stroke deliver a little oil. At the end of the lifetime of
a chain the lubrication will be lesser making the chain weaker.
At a longer saw time, the chain will get warmer,
leading to a blue color. The blue color indicates the hardening of the chain. This can lead
to cracking and breaking of the chain.
Curved saw blade
A bent saw blade can be directed if there are no sharp bends in it and the grooves are not
damaged. Especially after the directing of a saw blade, the chain must be checked
completely if it runs smoothly over the grooves.
Wear on the saw blade
- By replacing the chain, always check
the groove sloping sides.
- A wear saw blade can be turned if the
groove is modified, otherwise it must be
-The top of the groove must have right angles
relative to the saw blade
1 - Groove has right angles - good chainsaw position
2 - Groove doesn’t have right angles – not a good chainsaw position
3 - Square angle