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If this function is selected, the following information will appear:
Enter New Password hhhhhh
Then enter a password which is no more than eight characters and press <Enter>. BIOS will require
to enter the password again.
Once you enter it again, BIOS will save the set password. Once the password item is enabled, you
will be required to enter the password every time before the system entering to the setup program of
BIOS. The user can set this item through the Security Option in advanced BIOS properties. If the
Security Option is set as System, the password will be required to be entered before both the system
guides and entering to the setup program of BIOS. If it is set as Setup, the password will be required
to be entered only before the system entering to the setup program of BIOS.
To delete the password, press <Enter> in the popped-up window that requires to enter the password.
Then information for confirmation will appear on the screen to allow you decide whether the
password will be disabled. Once the password is disabled, you can enter the setup program directly
without password when the system is restarted.
Boot Sector Virus Protection.
This item is used for setting the alarm function in case of virus attack
in IDE disk sector. If this item is set as Enable and some program writes information in the sector,
BIOS will display alarm information on the screen and buzz.
4.5 Boot Menu