Germann Instruments, Inc.
Test Smart – Build Right
Start → Start channel
To start a channel, select the channel in question with the mouse or press the combination Shift + the
Function key for the desired channel, e.g. keys Shift + F4 for channel 4.
Once a channel is started up, the text in the pop-up menu will change to a gray color, the Status of the
channel will change from OFF to ON and the clock in the Elapsed Time field will start. The values for
voltage, actual current, temperature, elapsed time, predicted Coulombs and the actual measured
Coulombs, are updated for every channel in a matter of seconds, running all the time until the test
Testing will proceed until the selected duration of time has been reached or before if the user stops the
A test will stop if the temperature of the liquid in the measuring cells exceeds the maximum temperature
of 90
C or if the current measured reaches 500 mV which is the maximum capacity of the electronic
circuits for each channel. A status of OVFL (overflow) will be shown if this happens.
To avoid stopping a test by accident, the channels are locked. Therefore a channel has to be unlocked
before being stopped by the user.
When starting more than one channel at the same time, start the channels with 10 to 15
seconds intervals. Doing it quicker may lead to miss readings. Should this happens to a channel,
unblock, stop, reset and restart the channel.