5 Function
“edges/sequence commands”
This function is used to set the type and number of commands to send after a status change has been
detected, for up to a total of eight commands per channel; it is possible to differentiate the type of command
depending on the event that is detected (pressing and releasing) and delay the sending of the commands
with a fixed settable time.
The basic structure of the menu is as follows (Fig. 5.1):
Fig. 5.1
5.1 Parameters
5.1.1 Functioning type recognized
This is used to define which type of button operation generates the sending of the sequence commands; the
values that can be set are:
edges (pressing/releasing)
(default value)
short operation/long operation
5.1.2 Command objects number
This is used to define how many communication objects are managed by the channel in question; The
values that can be set are:
1 (default value)
, 2, …, 8