with both a built-in active summing network, as well as a passive summing
node - basically an amplified and unamplified mode. Due to the nature of
the servo controlled summing amp design, both modes
can not
be used
at the same time. To select passive mode simply unplug the AC cable;
remove the top cover; and switch the left & right stereo bus jumpers from
"active" to "passive" as marked on the circuit board:
A sum.mation unit
be in passive mode in order to cascade
another sum.mation unit. A maximum of two units may be cascaded
together on the same summing bus. The receiving unit may be in passive
or active mode as the user sees fit. Failure to follow these instructions
may damage the unit and void the warranty.
When using sum.mation in passive mode with external microphone
preamps as makeup gain,
be aware
that 48V phantom power can damage
the sum.mation circuitry. Please be sure to
turn off phantom power
your mic pre's before connecting sum.mation to them.
**A few words about grounding**
When using sum.mation, the user must be aware that there are several
ground paths possible: the sum.mation chassis; the chassis of the
equipment feeding
sum.mation; the chassis of the equipment
sum.mation is feeding
; and the USB connection to the host computer.