DAR0591, DAR0593
suction height of all self-suction pump is 7 m, i.e. the vertical distance between the pump and the plane of
water pond surface shall not exceed 7 m. The horizontal section of the suction pipeline shall be slightly
inclined from the water source towards the pump, otherwise, air would be sucked from the pipeline and thus
the pump would be impossible to normally run.
Only after all the connections of pipelines are completed and the pump is fully filled with water, may the
power be switched on and the pump started. During suction, the discharge port must be opened so as to
completely remove air from the entire system and form hydraulic pressure. If then hydraulic pressure is not
formed after the above specified maximum suction time, the pump shall be switched off and then eliminate
the troubled as per chapter “Troubleshooting”.
It should be noted that the above data is the maximum value of the pump pipeline, which would be reduced
because of overcoming the suction depth and the fixed components (such as pressure pipeline, bends and
They are merely allowed to connect with household water-supply pipeline with reinforced hose, and
the hose commonly used in garden shall not be allowed, because they should be soon cracked or broken due
the abrasion, long-term pressure action and ageing of materials.
The suction pipeline shall be fixed with a filter to prevent the pump from damage by the
silt, slurry or other abrasive materials in the pumped medium. Installation of filter in the pressure pipe shall
not be allowed.
The pressure pipeline is used to feed the water from the pump to the outlet (tap or
water outlet) and its connection with the pressure pipeline is at the top of pump case. In order to minimize
friction and thus pressure loss, the pipe diameter shall be at least ¾ inch.
During installation, not connect the cable of pump with net.
The user may take proper measures to eliminate the losses due to fault of
pump or its components resulted from over-pumping (e.g. fixing immersion-proof
unit, alarm, or spare pump, or storage barrel), however, the manufacturer shall
assume no responsibility for the incurred expenses.
The household water-supply pumps shall in principle regularly checked for boiler pressure (2-3 times every
year), because the pump would soon become impossible to normally run. The boiler pressure is measured
from the pressure gauge at its opposite of the pipe, which shall be pressure 1.5 bar. For measuring the boiler
pressure, unplug the power and make water flow from the boiler (preparing water-collecting device). In case
of insufficient air pressure inside the boiler, increase the pressure to the above- specified value with industrial
automatic compressor. Insufficient air pressure would result in fault of household water-supply pump and