Safety Caution
Care & Maintenance
- 請單獨使用13A以上的插座,切勿使用萬用插座或與
- 請勿用水直接沖洗電磁爐,以免破壞電器絕緣性能
- 請勿於排氣口及吸氣口插入鐵絲、金屬等物件,以免
- 切勿讓鍋具猛烈撞擊陶瓷面板
- 電磁爐水平放置後,側面及背面距離牆壁必須預留最
少10 cm或以上,切勿堵塞出風口、將爐身鑲嵌或密封
- 請勿將電磁爐放置在煤氣爐、煤油爐等熱源附近使用
- 請勿將鐵片或其他鐵磁性材料直接放在陶瓷面板上加
- 空鍋具請勿加熱過久,以免發生危險,鍋具溫度過高
- 切勿加熱罐頭等密封的東西,否則會因罐頭內氣體受
- 不使用電磁爐時,請將電源插頭由插座拔出
Single 13A power jack must be used. Do not share
power jack with other appliances
Do not apply water directly on to induction cooker
Do not insert any wire or metal objects through air
inlet or venting outlet of the induction cooker
Please avoid collision between cook top panel
and cookware
A distance of at least 10 cm between the wall and
the sides of induction cooker must be reserved for
venting purposes
Do not place or use induction cooker near any
heat source
Do not heat up any metal plate or other magnetic
objects on the cook top
Do not heat empty cookware for an extended time.
Overheating of cookware will cause damages and
Do not heat up un-opened cans on the cook top. It
may cause explosion
When induction cooker is not in use, unplug the
power cord
Power plug must be disconnected before cleaning
Any stain or deposit on the cook top surface must be
cleaned off immediately before re-using
Cleaning must be done when cook top surface has
completely cooled down
If stain is minimal, wipe off with a dry cloth. If stain
remains, clean cook top with a moist sponge (soaked
with mild soap) and then wipe again with a clean cloth
To clean the body of induction cooker, wipe with a soft
clean cloth. If stain remains, clean with a moist
sponge (soaked with mild soap) and then wipe with a
clean cloth
Do not immerse induction cooker into water
Do not clean cook top with any rough cloth or
abrasive tool
Do not use organic solvents or any cleaning products
that contain chemicals such as Benzene
- 清潔前必須先拔下電源插頭
- 任何污垢必須即時清理
- 必須待爐面完全冷卻才進行清潔
- 清潔面板時,先以扭乾的濕布擦拭;若仍未能除掉污
- 清潔電磁爐機身時,先用柔軟濕布擦拭﹔若有油污難
- 切勿用水直接沖洗或將機身浸入水中清洗
- 切勿使用堅硬之刷子刷洗爐面
- 切勿使用有機溶劑或苯等化學藥品擦拭電磁爐