To check the battery charge of ONdaily, press the button:
If the first LED flashes in red for 2 seconds: remember to charge your ONdaily
If the first LED flashes in red for 2 seconds: immediately recharge your ONdaily
The ONdaily takes 2 1/2 hours to fully charge.
You can also charge the ONdaily using a mains USB charger
4.2.1. Positioning ONdaily
ONdaily has an integrated 3D accelerometer and an algorithm specially developed to ensure
precise measurements regardless of the ONdaily’s position.
You can place it in your pocket; rucksack, handbag or around your neck.
4.2.2. Start-up
You can take the ONdaily with you everywhere, and forget all about it! That’s why it is always on
and you don’t need to activate it to start it. Just check that it is charged.
4.2.3. Measuring activity
ONdaily was designed to detect:
- Walking
- Fast walking
- Running
4.2.4. Fast walking: What is it?
Fast walking is defined as walking at a pace of 5 to 8 km/h. The World Health Organisation
(OMS) recommends walking fast for at least 30 minutes a day to prevent heart disease, reduce
stress, prevent obesity etc.
4.2. Using the
Please note:
- The ONdaily only measures activity that is good for your health.
It doesn’t measure shuffling and does not take into account activity from one minute of
walking only.
- The reliability of distance readings for running may be less good, as the ONdaily is
designed for walking, and the algorithms are for walking only.
Summary of Contents for ONdaily
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