Geometrics, Inc. G-822/G-823 Magnetometer Manual
Any value other than zero will turn on the debugging display. This
parameter is optional. If it is omitted the debugging display is
The contents of the cm201go.cnf file are sent line by line to the CM-201 counter
module(s). After each line is sent the cm201go program waits for the confirmation that
the command was received correctly. If the confirmation is not received the line is
repeated. For lines that change the CM-201's baud rate the cm201go program changes its
baud rate as required. If the input line has the special code "[CLOCK]" on it, the CM-
201's clock will be set to match that of the PC.
A typical cm201go.cnf would be:
Given the port numbers of two COM ports this program will exchange their addresses.
On some note book computers this is needed to be able to use some software.
batmenu.exe, drawbox.exe, gotoxy.exe, yymmdd.exe, foreach.exe,
These programs are utility programs that allow the batch files to interact with the user.
9.2 Cesium Sensor Azimuth Program - CsAz
CsAz is a DOS program written by Geometrics for users of Cesium magnetometers. The
purpose of the program is to determine the proper orientation of the Cesium sensor at
various field dip angles of the Earth’s field. ( Cs is for cesium and Az is for azimuth.)
We note here that a firm grasp of the orientation section of this manual (section 4.1)
makes the use of this program optional. There is no additional information imparted by
running CsAz.
The program is easy to operate. Begin by typing CsAz at the prompt followed by the
Enter key. You will see a towed bird with the sensor mounted vertically. A lower
graphic image displays the bird from a vertical perspective. If you are using the program
for land or marine applications, the orientation of the bird can be taken to be the
orientation of the wand or fish.