2.1 Installation
The multiplexer (or terminal board alone) is housed in a Nema 4/4X weatherproof
enclosure. However, it is recommended that additional measures be taken to ensure that
water or other contaminants are prevented from entering and subsequently disrupting
operation of the equipment. For example, in field environments, it could be installed
inside an equipment trailer or shed. The enclosure should be mounted in an upright
fashion, i.e. on a wall. The holes located in the tabs at the top and bottom of the
enclosure are used for mounting. Note Figure 9 for mounting dimensions.
Figure 9 - Multiplexer Enclosure Mounting Dimensions
An earth ground lug is installed on the bottom of the enclosure. Drive a copper stake into
the ground (or use an existing grounded metal structure) and attach a large gauge copper
wire (>12 AWG) from earth ground to the earth ground lug of the enclosure.
2.2 Wiring
The enclosure has cable entries for passing the instrument cables to the terminal board.
These entries have seals for specific cable sizes which will minimize the possibility of
water or other contaminants entering the box and causing problems. Plastic dowels are
provided for unused cable entries to prevent moisture and contaminants from entering the
If the unit is equipped with manual switching the switch panel must be removed to access
the terminal board. See Appendix C for additional information.