2.4 Electrical Noise
Care should be exercised when installing instrument cables to keep them as far away as possible
from sources of electrical interference such as power lines, generators, motors, transformers, arc
welders, etc. Cables should never be buried or run with AC power lines. The instrument cables
will pick up the 50 or 60 Hz (or other frequency) noise from the power cable and this will likely
cause a problem obtaining a stable reading. Contact the factory concerning filtering options
available for use with the Geokon dataloggers and readouts should difficulties arise.
2.5 Initial Readings
Initial readings must be taken and carefully recorded along with the barometric pressure and
temperature at the time of installation. Take the initial readings while the cell is in position, prior
to covering it with fill and pouring the concrete.
Again, it is imperative that initial readings at
zero load are taken!