Suggested Lightning Protection Options:
If the instrument is connected to a terminal box or multiplexer, components such as plasma
surge arrestors (spark gaps) may be installed in the terminal box/multiplexer to provide a
measure of transient protection. Terminal boxes and multiplexers available from Geokon provide
locations for the installation of these components.
Lighting arrestor boards and enclosures are also available from Geokon. These units install
where the instrument cable exits the structure being monitored. The enclosure has a removable
top to allow the customer to service the components or replace the board in the event that the unit
is damaged by a lightning strike. A connection is made between the enclosure and earth ground
to facilitate the passing of transients away from the displacement transducer. See Figure 8.
Plasma surge arrestors can be epoxied into the instrument cable, close to the transducer. A
ground strap then connects the surge arrestor to an earth ground, such as a grounding stake or the
rebar itself.
Consult the factory for additional information on available lightning protection.
Figure 8 - Lightning Protection Scheme