The Stressmeter is first wrapped in A Tyvec type material for additional de-bonding power. The
stressmeter is then positioned in line with the direction in which the stress is to be measured and
is tied off to the rebar cage or a small size supplemental rebar cage, using iron wire, or nylon tie-
wraps. A typical installation is shown in Figure 2. Be sure to leave enough slack in the cable so
that the stressmeter can be un-tied and positioned vertically for filling.
Figure 2 - Stressmeter ready for concrete pour
As Figure 2 shows, the far end of the stress meter is left open so that when the concrete is poured
around the stressmeter the cell can be untied from the rebar and held vertical so that the same
concrete can be packed inside the cell, and then the end flange is pushed inside the end of the
tube and securely taped in place.
It is of the utmost importance that there be no spaces left
inside the cell, so the concrete must be very carefully packed, vibrated and rodded to get
rid of all traces of air.
Cables from the stressmeter should be routed carefully so that they are
protected from the concrete placement and from traffic.
Additional installation photos are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.
Figure 3 - Concrete being poured around the stressmeter