3.1 GK-404 Readout Box
The Model GK-404 Vibrating Wire Readout is a portable, low-power, handheld unit that can run
continuously for more than 20 hours on two AA batteries. It is designed for the readout of all
Geokon vibrating wire gauges and transducers; and is capable of displaying the reading in either
digits, frequency (Hz), period (µs), or microstrain (µε). The GK
-404 also displays the
temperature of the stressmeter (embedded thermistor) with a resolution of 0.1 °C.
3.1.1 Operating the GK-404
Before use, attach the flying leads to the GK-404 by aligning the red circle on the silver
“Lemo” connector of the flying leads with the red line on the top of the GK-404 (Figure
6). Insert the Lemo connector into the GK-404 until it locks into place.
Figure 6 - Lemo Connector to GK-404
Connect each of the clips on the leads to the matching colors of the sensor conductors,
with blue representing the shield (bare).
To turn the GK-404 on, press the “ON/OFF” button on the front panel of the unit. The
initial startup screen will be displayed. After approximately one second, the GK-404 will
start taking readings and display them based on the settings of the POS and MODE
The unit display (from left to right) is as follows:
The current Position: Set by the
button. Displayed as a letter A through F.
The current Reading: Set by the
button. Displayed as a numeric value
followed by the unit of measure.
Temperature reading of the attached gauge in degrees Celsius.
Use the POS button to select position B and the MODE button to select Dg (digits).
(Other functions can be selected as described in the GK-404 Manual.)
The GK-404 will continue to take measurements and display readings until the unit is
turned off, either manually, or if enabled, by the Auto-Off timer. If the no reading
displays or the reading is unstable, see Section 7 for troubleshooting suggestions.
For further information, please refer to the GK-404 manual.