Chapter 3: Helmet Maintenance
This chapter provides instructions for the task required to maintain the helmet. These tasks
include inspection, cleaning, replacing components, and repainting.
Proper care and use of the HGU-55/P helmet assembly is essential to ensure optimum
performance during emergencies and routine operations. The helmet must be inspected at
regular intervals to ensure that it is in serviceable condition. These intervals are described
3-2 1 Inspection Upon Receipt
Upon receipt of the helmet, inspect the helmet as follows:
1. Remove the helmet from the shipping container. Retain the container for shipment, or
dispose of it as applicable.
2. Inspect the helmet for any damage incurred during shipment, such as breaks or cuts in the
helmet shell, or scratches or cracks in the visor.
3. Replace all damaged parts to make the helmet serviceable.
Report all deficiencies to a supervisor or quality assurance manager to resolve.
3-2 2 Pre-Flight Inspection
Before each flight, the user shall inspect the helmet to ensure that it is serviceable. Perform the
pre-flight inspection as follows:
1. Check the helmet shell for cracks that have broken through the layers of helmet shell
material. (Minor cracks in the paint surface are acceptable.)
Ensure that the helmet and the oxygen mask have been properly fitted.
(Continued on next page)
Any crack that has broken through the layers of helmet shell material (not just the
paint surface) will affect the integrity of the helmet. Discard a helmet with such cracks.