Step 2. Run SETUP Program
To run SETUP program in the DOS prompt, please locate
the prompt under A:\SETUP subdirectory and type:
To configure the LAN adapter, please select “Configuration”
and the program begins.
provides auto-configuration function. By selecting
this function, the program will automatically detect the
available IRQ and I/O, and avoid the potential conflicts in the
Users may configure the adapter by selecting “Manual
Setup”. The “*” mark shown in the menu means that there is
a potential conflict, and you can not use that address.
Figure 7. Manual Setup
After comoletina the setuo oroaram. users MUST select
“Save Configuration” to save the selection and reboot PC
system again by truning OFF/ON power switch.
Jumper Mode Configuration
If jumper configuration is used, the following jumper settings
(JP1 and JP2) are required:
I. JP1 Setting (IRQ Setting)
Remove jumper from “JPLESS” position and put it to the
IRQ position which is selected.
Figure 8. IRQ Jumper setting
II. JP2 Setting (I/O, Boot ROM, Memory address setting)
I/O Address Setting
GE200011 is factory-set to use l/O address 300H. If address
300H is occupied by other hardware, please change the
setting on JP2 to another address. The figure below shows
the settings.
Figure 9. I/O Jumper setting