Capter 2 Hardware Installation
The hardware installation requires the following two steps:
Adapter Configuration
Adapter Installation
Adapter Diagnostic
Adapter Configuration
. .
This GE200011 LAN adapter supports both software
configuration (Jumperless mode), and the jumper setting
(Jumper mode). Both configuration modes are described as
f o l l o w s :
Jumperless Mode Configuration
GE200011 is by default set at jumperless mode (IRQ=3, l/O
address:300H), users can configure the LAN adapter by
using the software. There are two steps to configure LAN
adapter: Step 1. set JP1 on “JPLESS”, Step 2. run SETUP
Step 1. Set JP1 on “JPLESS”:
Figure 5. Jumperless mode setting
Then, user can start to install the LAN adapter into PC and
run SETUP program to configure the hardware (Please refer
to Adapter Installation for the procedure of installing the LAN