Service and Repair Manual
November 2016
Outrigger Components
GS-2669 DC • GS-3369 DC • GS-4069 DC
Part No. 1272220GT
Outrigg er Co mpon ents
10- 1 O utri gger Cyli nder
Outrigger Cylinder
How to Remove an Outrigger
Cylinder (if equipped)
Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting,
the O-ring (if equipped) on the fitting and/or hose
end must be replaced. All connections must be
torqued to specification during installation. Refer to
Hydraulic Hose and Fitting Torque
Remove the mounting fasteners from the
inside outrigger cylinder cover. Remove the
Remove the outrigger hose cover.
Disconnect the outrigger limit switch and
cylinder valve connectors.
Remove the mounting fasteners from the
outside outrigger cover. Remove the cover.
Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hoses
from the outrigger cylinder. Cap the fittings on
the cylinder.
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
hydraulic oil can penetrate and
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
connections very slowly to allow
the oil pressure to dissipate
gradually. Do not allow oil to
squirt or spray.
Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane
to the barrel end of the outrigger cylinder for
support. Do not apply any lifting pressure.
Remove the outrigger mounting fasteners.
Slide the outrigger cylinder down and away
from the machine.
Crushing hazard. The outrigger
cylinder may become
unbalanced and fall if not
properly supported when
removed from the machine.
Note: If the outrigger cylinder is being replaced,
remove the foot pad assembly and install it on the
replacement cylinder.
Note: After an outrigger cylinder has been installed,
the machine must be re-calibrated. Refer to Repair
Outrigger Calibration