User Manual
Access Control Proximity Reader with Bluetooth and Keypad
2. Audit Trail (See Figure 6 and 7)
• Audit Trail is tracking last 1000 event logs including Tamper Alarm.
• Enter an user ID to search events for an user.
• Tap to export all events to excel file.
• Tap to refresh all events.
3. Backup Data (See Figure 8)
• Backup Data is to backup Users, Admin Passcode, Admin Card/Fob, Door
Sensor, Lock Action, Tamper Alarm and Door Re-lock Time to Administrator’s
phone and can be restored except Device Name, Tamper Sensor Level, Auto
Proximity Range, About Us and Audit Trail logs.
• Step 1: Press “Backup Data”, the App will show:
Backup all data now?
• Step 2: Press Confirm, the App will show:
Backup Status Backup Completed!
4. Restore Backup (See Figure 8)
• Restore the last backup data by Admin’s phone to a new Access Control
Keypad / Reader.
• Step 1: Press “Restore Backup”, the App will show:
Restore all data now?
• Step 2: Press Confirm, the App will show:
Restore Status Restore Complete!
Figure 6
Figure 8
Figure 5
Figure 7
Figure 4