User Manual
Genevac HT-4X Evaporation System
04-7415 Issue 1-16 August
Automatic end of run detection software can be utilised to complete evaporation runs in the
shortest possible time, opening the possibility for two or more runs to be completed in a day
where previously overnight running may have been required.
User interaction is via an easy-to-clean touch-sensitive keypad and data is displayed on a
bright and clear LCD screen. Once set-up, operation is straight forward simply load
samples, select the appropriate run and press start.
Evaporator screen and keypad
Evaporation progress is shown by a graphical display with plots for temperature and
The evaporator features a built in condenser unit with intelligent feed-back to prevent
initialisation of an evaporation process until the condenser is ready. Waste solvent defrost
and drain can be set up to occur automatically at the end of evaporation or at key points
during the evaporation process. Alternatively, the condenser can be defrosted or drained
manually via the evaporator
Select Run
This manual will guide you through the requirements for setting up, operating and
maintaining the system. It will facilitate the most efficient procedures to protect your
product’s integrity and ensure optimum performance at all times.