9-5.3 PTZ Control
In the main displ ay, right click on the chan nel will bring up PT Z control p anel as b elow.
PTZ communication pro tocols from different brands aren ’t co mpatible 100 % so metimes.
Therefo re, some of these function s may be una vailable.
Icon De
8 dire ction key
Rotate the P TZ
Zoom i n
ZOOM : Zoom out
Setup the PTZ spot a s pre -set N.
FOCUS+ : F ocus in
Focus out
Move to pre-set N.
Set PTZ Preset
Setup 16 pre-set N.
Goto PTZ Preset Move to spe cific pre-set N.
Activate auto pre-set tour
PTZ Sensitivity
Setup PTZ sensitivity
Setup the “st art” an d “en d” of liner scan.
Activate the liner sca n cruise.
Adjust the Brightness (Down is +)
Adjust the Contrast (Down is +)
Adjust the Sharpness (Down is +)