GENEREX SYSTEMS Computervertriebsgesellschaft mbH - - 23
GENEREX Systems Inc. -
4.1 Setup Battery Information
1. Under „
“, select menu item „
2. At battery, enter the basic battery data.
Configuration example:
Your UPS uses 40 batteries provided by 2 strings
Please Enter at "Number of batteries" 40 and at
"number of battery strings" 2.
UPS with center tap or positive
and negative strands
The charge voltages between positive and negative
strand can differ. In this case, equalizing / balancing
is only ensured while the strings independently con-
trol the circuits of the batteries.
If the battery system of your UPS uses a center tap
using a configuration like that, you need to setup
your BACS system according to it.
To handle different power circuits your BACS confi-
guration needs for each power circuit an indepen-
dent string.
Configuration examples:
2 parallel strings (2 x positive / 2 x negative)
Number of configured BACS strings: 4
3 parallel strings (3 x positive / 3 x negative)
Number of configured BACS strings: 6
Modules per line:
Status display and log file
By selecting "
List Module Number Stringwise
BACS web interface will display battery addresses 1
- 20 at String 1 and at String 2.
In addition, the batteries per string are logged with a
prefix in the BACS log file:
4S2 = module 4 in strand 2
This facilitates the identification of a BACS module.
If you are unsure how many strings to enter,
please ask your UPS manufacturer for further
informations about your UPS system.