Все каталоги и инструкции здесь:
Dry Mode
About 21-43 °C
About 18-32 °C
Outdoor temperature
Indoor temperature
Cooling Mode
About 21-43 °C
About 18-32 °C
Heating Mode
About –5-24 °C
About 27 °C or less
Temperature and Humidity Range
If the air conditioner is used under higher temperature conditioner than those listed, the built-in protection circuit may
operate to prevent internal circuit damage. Also, during Cooling and Dry modes, if the unit is used under conditions of
lower temperature than those listed above, the heat-exchanger may freeze, leading to water leakage and other damage.
Do not use this unit for any purposes other than the Cooling, Dehumidifying, and air-circulation of rooms in ordinary
If the unit is used for long periods under high-humidity conditions, condensation may form on the surface of the indoor
unit, and drip onto the floor or other objects underneath. (About 80% or more)
2004.2.5, 8:59 AM