with the tip size on the display. If
not, press the key '7.9/11.1' to
Smaller Fruits
Similar to large fruit testing except:
A. Make a puncture test on only
one cheek midway between
the stem and the bottom.
B. Removal of the skin is
C . P e n e t r a t i o n s h o u l d b e
sufficient to obtain peak
reading. Repetitive testing is
a perfect testing technique for
small fruits.
A. When the battery symbol
appears on the display, it is
time to replace the batteries.
B. Slide the Battery Cover away
from the tester and remove the
C. Install batteries paying
careful attention to polarity.
A. Before daily use, exercise the
plunger in and out for 10
s e c o n d s t o e n s u r e t h e
mechanism functions freely.
B. After daily use, clean the
penetrometer tips. Carefully
hold the tester with the load
shaft pointing down under a
slowly flowing water faucet
for a few seconds, dry with a
towel and allow to dry further
by standing it with shaft
pointing down.
C. The FHT tester should never
be lubricated with oil since
this will accumulate dust
causing increased friction and
decreased accuracy.