This is a typical first System Diagnostics page. It dis-
plays ten of the discrete inputs into the H-100 Control
Panel. Inputs to the controller are internally pulled
to 5 v, so to activate an input you must short it to
ground.The following names are normally assigned
to these inputs:
#1 Key switch in AUTO position
#2 Key switch in MANUAL position
#3 Emergency
#4 Remote 2-wire start Active
#5 Battery
#6 Rupture Basin or Low Fuel Pressure
#7 Transfer Switch in Line Power Position
#8 Transfer Switch in Emergency Power Position
#9 Modem is connecting or connected
#10 Modem is present
Press the “ENTER” button.
This is a typical second System Diagnostics page.
It displays ten of the discrete outputs out of the H-
100 Control Panel. Outputs from the controller are
generally open collector. This means that they sink
current through a load and you will NOT see any volt-
age change on them when they are activated, unless
they are connected to a load. These outputs can be
temporarily inverted from this page. Extreme caution
should be exercised while inverting outputs since it
can result in operation of starters, fuel solenoids, etc.
To invert an output, use the arrow buttons to position
the cursor on the output value to be inverted. Press
the “ENTER” button. The output will be inverted for
approximately 2 seconds and then return to normal
control. Only one output can be inverted at a time and
leaving the page cancels all output inversions.
The following names are normally assigned to these
#1 Key switch in AUTO position
#1 Activate
#2 Activate
#3 Activate
#4 Activate Gas Relay on 13.3L Engines
#5 Auxiliary Discrete Output #1
#6 Auxiliary Discrete Output #2
#7 Auxiliary Discrete Output #3
#8 Auxiliary Discrete Output #4
#9 Activate Ignition Module on 13.3L Engines
#12 Activate Emissions Module or Preheat
Press the “ENTER” button.
Press the “ENTER” button.
The above two pages are typical System Diagnostics
Analog Input pages. The analog channel values that
are displayed are the “raw” unprocessed data and
are 10 bit numbers ranging from 0 - 1023 represent-
ing a voltage or current on the analog input channel.
The following names are normally assigned to these
PAGE 3-6 LINE 2:
#1 A current (CT1)
#2 B current (CT2)
#3 C current (only three phase) (CT3)
PAGE 3-6 LINE 3:
#4 A-B voltage (A-N if single phase) (Vsense1)
#5 B-C voltage (B-N if single phase) (Vsense2)
#6 C-A voltage (only three phase) (Vsense3)
PAGE 3-6 LINE 4:
#7 Oil Temperature (AN1)
PAGE 4-6 LINE 1:
#8 Coolant Temperature (AN2)
#9 Oil Pressure (AN3)
#10 Coolant
PAGE 4-6 LINE 2:
Fuel level (AN5)
Auxiliary Analog Input (AN6)
Throttle Position Sensor (AN7)
PAGE 4-6 LINE 3:
Emissions Oxygen Sensor (AN8)
Battery Charger Current (AN9)
#16 Battery
General Information
H-100 Control Panel Technical Manual